Which Way Do You Swing?
Or Salsa, or Tango, or any other partner dance? Let's find out!
Which Way Do You Swing? is a queer partner dance for all the queers who want to move their bodies in a queer centered space! This is a monthly Tacoma event, each time we have an intro lesson and a dance. The music is a mix of Latin, Jazz, Oldies, Pop, Waltz, Tango, Kizomba, Country, and Funk (because always Funk).
The mission of Which Way Do You Swing? is to offer a space for queers to build community, to be financially accessible to all who want to come, and to create a fun and friendly dance space for people to move and grove in! We are focused on paying teachers well, being located in spaces that are reachable on transit, and being accessible to as many folks as possible.
We are located at the Tacoma Urban Performing Arts Center
705 Opera Alley, Tacoma, WA 98402. No partner or dance experience necessary! If you are interested in supporting us in making this event happen we welcome donations at cash.me/$whichwaydoyouswing.
For more information and updates check out our Facebook Page.
Private Lessons
I teach private dance lessons out of my home. Learn more about rates here, to schedule or for additional information please contact me.