Certifications & Education
Certified Lactation Educator, Evergreen Perinatal Education, September 2017
Postpartum Certified Doula, Northwest Association for Postpartum Support, March 2016
Postpartum Certified Doula, Doulas of North America (DONA) International, September 2015​​​
Breastfeeding Resources and Skills for Doulas, Big Belly Services, May 2017
Breastsleeping: Cultural, Historical and Biological Perspectives on Normal Healthy Maternal-Infant Sleep, James McKenna, PhD, May 2017
Breastfeeding is Food Sovereignty, Camie Goldhammer, MSW, LICSW, IBCLC, June 2017​
New Mama Self Care: Pelvic Floor Basics for Postpartum, Rebecca Francis, CPT, May 2017​
Breastfeeding Help Beyond the Hospital Stay, May 2017
Sessions attended:
Where’s the Milk? The Unhappy Intersection of Traumatic Birth and Breastfeeding, Leslie Butterfield, Ph.D.
Chest/Breastfeeding Challenges for Sexual Abuse Survivors and Their Lactation Professionals, Penny Simkin, PT
Culture, Trauma and Mothering: How It Is All Connected, Camie Goldhammer, MSW, LICSW, IBCLC
What’s New and Exciting in Lactation: Research and Clinical Updates that You Wish You Already Knew, Ginna Wall, RN, MN, IBCLC
North West Doula, October 2016
Sessions attended:
Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Pelvic Bowl: A Physical Therapy Perspective, April Bolding, PT, CCE, CD
Breastfeeding Support in Disenfranchised Communities Camie Goldhammer, MSW, LICSW, IBCLC
Birthing Around the Clock: Sleep Skills for Doulas, Dr. Catherine Darley
Epigenetics and the Developing Baby, Lorelei Walker
Prenatal & Postpartum Fitness: Dispelling Myths, Empowering Individuals & Creating Healthier Generations, Maura Shirey
DONA International, July 2016
Sessions attended:
System Complexity and the Global Cesarean Pandemic, Dr. Neel Shah, MD, MPP
Is This Question on Your Intake Form: Do you have a history of trauma?, Kenya Fairley, MSEd., CD(DONA), CD(CHB)
Epidural Analgesia: The Tyranny of Meta-analysis, Dr. Michael Klein, MD, FCFP, FAAP, FCPS
What If My Client DOES have a PMAD, Heidi Koss, MA, LMHC
Disrupting the Status Quo: Exploring What it Means to Care, Peggy Holman
Supporting The Exhausted Parent: Doulas on the Front Lines of Newborn Sleep, Elissa Gilbertson, CPD(DONA), AA Child Development